Aims to demonstrate an innovative set of charging infrastructures, technologies, and associated business models, ready to improve the Electric Vehicles (EV) users experience beyond early adopters, thus, fostering the EV market share in the EU. 5 demo environments at urban, peri-urban, and extra-urban conditions will be ready for the deployment of 7 use cases, addressing:
- Smart and bi-directional charging optimized at different aggregation levels
- Dynamic wireless charging lane in an urban area
- Dynamic wireless charging for long-distance (e-road prototype for TEN-T corridors)
- Charging Hub in a park&ride facility
- Superfast charging systems for EU corridors
- Low power DC bidirectional charging infrastructure for EVs, including two-wheelers
- Opportunity wireless charging for taxi queue lanes in airports & central stations
Atos will be in charge of managing, configuring and operating the platform that will act as enabler for the development of services. Additionally, the efforts towards the definition of a common data model and the setting of a reference ICT architecture will be lead by Atos.
ICT energy systems and applications are at the very center of the paradigm change
within the energy domain, being key enablers for smart energy innovation in the three domains of electricity, water and gas. The Energy sector research lines & activities are related to the effective management of distributed energy resources in the grid, the control of Virtual Power Plants, the efficient management of energy consumption in buildings, energy consumption and charging of electric vehicles, monitoring and control
of smart water & gas infrastructures.